Why Leave Wildlife Problems In Houston To The Professionals?
There are a surprising number of animals that can come into our Houston yards and create problems. Some of these problems are simply annoying. Others are downright dangerous. Here are some things you should know about wildlife.
In Your Yard
When wild animals come into your yard, they can leave holes, build mounds, damage your grass, damage your vegetables, destroy your trees, chew holes in your outdoor furniture, crack foundation supports, and more. Every animal is slightly different in what problems it will cause.
If animals get the notion to find a way into your home, they can damage your home as they do it. Opossums and squirrels can do quite a bit of damage to the flimsy materials of a soffit. Raccoons can make a big hole in a roof-soffit intersection. Bats can scratch and claw their way in behind your chimney stack. Roof rats can destroy the gasket around your roof exhaust pipes. And all of this damage can lead to secondary damage caused by rainwater, not to mention the damage caused by other pests, such as carpenter ants or termites.
If a wild animal decides to use a structure on your property for harborage, it can bring you, your kids, and your pets into close contact. This can lead to a violent attack from an angry mama raccoon protecting her young, a spray from a startled skunk, a bite from a rabies-infected bat, and similar encounters. Wild animals are "wild" and can be unpredictable and dangerous.
Those wild animals will do something else in your yard that you're not going to see. They carry ticks, fleas, mites, lice and other parasites. This can expose you and your pets to serious illnesses, and some of the diseases carried by ticks can have lifelong health implications.
In Your Home
Animals make terrible houseguests. They leave their feces and urine everywhere. They damage building materials to make their nests. They chew their way into stored furniture and stored boxes. They bring parasites into a home. And some animals will explore your home and contaminate your foods, food-prep surfaces, dishes, silverware, and more. This can lead to serious illness.
DIY Wildlife Control
When wildlife create problems, homeowners sometimes turn to DIY control methods. This can lead to lost money, lost time, more damage, and ongoing problems. Tracking, monitoring, and excluding wildlife is a complicated process with many pitfalls. Trained wildlife professionals use field-tested products and methods to get the job done right.
DIY Exclusion
If you do not have a wildlife problem yet, there are some methods you can use to deter animals.
- Apply a high quality silicone caulk around windows and doors to seal any gaps.
- Replace broken or loose shingles on your home.
- Patch or replace damaged soffits.
- Fill in roofline holes.
- Put a tight-fitting cap on your chimney.
- Repair or replace torn screens on windows and doors.
- Replace loose siding.
- Put screens over vents.
- Place piles of wood at least 20 feet from your home and elevate the wood.
- Remove, protect, or contain any food sources in your yard.
- Seal and secure exterior trash.
Professional Wildlife Management
In the Houston area, you can count on Modern Pest Control for wildlife-management services. Our service professionals are highly trained and experienced in tracking down wildlife problems and eliminating them. Here are a few things you can expect for your service:
- A licensed professional will do a detailed inspection and diagnose your problem. This will include proper identification of the pest(s), cataloging of entry points, and identification of conducive conditions.
- A control plan will be developed to meet your specific needs.
- Trapping will be employed to monitor for activity and to remove the invading animal(s).
- Exclusion services are offered to prevent future wildlife infestations. We use high-quality materials such as heavy gauge screen and screws.
- We back our services with a pest control guarantee. If you find that the holes we've sealed are re-opened within a year of your service, we'll come back and seal those holes up again at no cost to you! The warranty can also be extended. As your wildlife control professional for details.
A wildlife problem can be a serious problem. Don't risk your health and property to DIY methods. Reach out to Modern Pest Control for effective, trustworthy wildlife management, every time. Get started by requesting a free inspection.