Sod Webworms
What Do Sod Webworms Look Like?
Sod Webworms are not true worms; they are actually the larval stage of lawn moths. These “worms” are pinkish-white to yellowish-brown in color, have a mottled brown head capsule, and they grow to about ¾ of an inch in length. The larvae are covered in distinctively fine hairs and they typically have a double row of brown or black spots running down along their backs. It takes about 12 weeks for the sod webworm to mature into an adult. The adult moth is brown, is also about ¾ of an inch in length, and has wings that fold beneath the body when they are at rest.
Are Sod Webworms Dangerous?
Sod webworms are not dangerous to people; however they can be extremely damaging to lawns and landscape. Lawns that are infested with sod webworms often appear yellowish-brown and unkempt. They may also have several small brown patches throughout it, all about 3 inches or less in diameter; if a lawn is heavily infested the small patches of brown will run together creating large irregular shaped brown patches. Sod webworms cause damage to lawns by chewing away at the “tissues” of the blades of grass, leaving behind only a membrane.
Where Am I Likely To Find Sod Webworms?
The larvae rest during the day and emerge at night to feed on their main food source- warm season turf and grasses. Sod webworms are typically found infesting and damaging residential lawns, golf courses, and athletic fields; they prefer areas that are hot and sunny, they do not like shaded areas.
Does Modern Offer Sod Webworm Control?
Yes, we do! In fact, our lawn pest control services not only protect Greater Houston lawns from sod webworms but also aphids, chinch bugs, and other pest and fungus problems common in the Lone Star state.
How Can I Prevent Sod Webworm Infestations?
Properly maintaining your lawn is the best way to prevent infestations of sod webworms and other lawn pests. Overwatering your lawn can attract these pests as many like to lay eggs in moist soil. Working with professionals is the best way to ensure your lawn is the envy of the neighborhood. Contact Modern Pest Control for help protecting your property against sod webworms!
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