Flesh Flies
What Do Flesh Flies Look Like?
Flesh flies are a species of fly that lives in warm climates—making Texas a place where they thrive. Flesh flies look very similar to house flies but are larger. Adults are light gray and have a checkerboard pattern on top of their abdomen. They have three black stripes running down their thorax and may have a reddish tip at the end. Flesh flies also have bright red eyes.
Are Flesh Flies Dangerous
When living outside, flesh flies don’t pose many threats to people and do not bite. However, when they find their way into your house, they become a danger, and it is essential to eliminate them as quickly as possible. They carry and can spread a wide variety of bacteria and parasites on their bodies and legs—contaminating food, food prep areas, and other surfaces of your home.
Where Am I Likely To Find Flesh Flies?
You are most likely to run into flesh flies outside. They are attracted to properties that give them easy access to things they need to feed on and breed. Areas with exposed trash, pet excrement, or compost bins, will attract flesh flies.
Flesh flies are attracted to organic materials—especially rotting natural materials. They require live or dead tissue to complete their life cycle. Flesh flies are unique in the fact that they give birth to live larvae. They then place the larvae inside carrion, excrement, or open wounds, to feed and develop into adults.
Does Modern Offer Flesh Fly Control?
When you contact Modern Pest Control for flesh fly control in Houston, Katy, or in any of our service areas, a licensed pest control technician will conduct an inspection to determine what conditions are attracting them to your property. We then develop a plan of action that results in a flesh fly-free home or business! Visit our residential or commercial pest control page to learn more about getting rid of flesh flies or contact us for more information.
How Can I Prevent Flesh Fly Infestations?
Dealing with flesh flies on your property can be difficult, but there are a few things that you can do to help prevent them from invading your home or business.
- Make repairs to leaky pipes, faucets, or fixtures in your home.
- Make sure gutters are directing water away from the exterior of your house.
- Clean out any debris that has built up in sink drains regularly.
- Seal any cracks or crevices in your foundation
- Place weather-stripping around exterior windows and doors and make sure screens are intact.
- If you have pets, clean up their excrement from your backyard regularly.
- Keep tight-fitting lids on compost bins and outdoor trash cans.
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