Are Cockroaches Common In Texas?
Cockroaches aren't just gross; they are dirty pests. Cockroaches are as comfortable in a dumpster or sewer culvert as they are in your pantry or kitchen. When they get into your home, they can expose you to more than 33 kinds of harmful bacteria, 6 types of parasitic worms, and at least 7 human pathogens.
Therefore, learning about and eliminating cockroaches is critical for the health and safety of you and your family. There are several types of roaches in Texas, and each have slightly different physical and behavioral characteristics.
American Cockroaches
Often found infesting homes and buildings with moisture problems, American roaches are dark-reddish brown in color with a lighter colored outline around their bodies.
Among the largest cockroaches in Texas, they can grow to be more than three inches long and are identified by the yellowish figure eight like pattern located behind their heads.
Both females and males have fully developed wings that are capable of flight; however, they only fly short distances or glide from a high place.
German Cockroaches
Found inside more than out, German roaches have flat, light brown or tan colored bodies and two distinctive black stripes running horizontally behind their heads.
German cockroaches also have wings but they rarely fly- preferring to run where they need to go.
Within the species of cockroaches in Texas, these scavenging pests are the most common. Like other kinds of roaches, their proclivity for warm damp places brings them into homes and businesses.
Asian Cockroaches
Their attraction to light means you’re likely to find Asian cockroaches near exterior lights and also lights inside houses and buildings.
This type of roach in Texas appears almost identical in size and shape to German cockroaches though some may appear slightly lighter in color. They also have two dark lines behind their head. However, unlike their German cousin, Asian roaches are capable of sustained flight.
Oriental Cockroaches
Among the species of cockroaches in Texas, the Oriental Roach is the least mobile. Often found under sinks and other appliances, Oriental roaches are not able to climb or fly. These glossy black bugs are slow movers that give off a very distinctive musty and foul odor.
Are Roaches In Texas Dangerous?
Yes. All species of cockroaches in Texas travel through garbage piles, sewers, and over excrement and animal carcasses before they arrive in homes and businesses in Texas.
It’s not that the bugs themselves are dangerous but the germs and bacteria they bring into your homes on their bodies and their shedding skin. They can easily contaminate food, toothbrushes, and countertops.
Roaches are capable of spreading viruses, bacteria, and parasites that can make people sick. Also, their shed skins and feces can trigger asthma attacks in people, especially children.