Is It Possible To Avoid Termite Damage?
There are some things in life that are inevitable. You know at some point you're going to have to replace the roof on your home. Every year that passes is one more year of wear and tear. And you have two ways of dealing with the cost of replacing your roof. You can pay yourself a "roof payment" of a few dollars every month and have the cash-in-hand when it comes time to fix your roof, or you can find yourself up against that large home repair with only the bank to help you out. And, when you have the bank help you out, you end up paying them a bunch of extra money in interest. Ask anyone who has ever gotten a loan for a roof and paid the "minimum payment" how great of an idea that was. Over time, interest will have you paying twice for that roof. The problem of termite damage doesn't work exactly this way. Why? Because termite damage can be avoided. But that doesn't mean we can't learn a lot of this roof example.
In our roof example, there is a cost that is going to come at some point down the road, and the best way to deal with that cost is to build it into your budget now. Not only is termite damage not inevitable, it is preventable. But, if you don't prevent it, it is much more inevitable, especially if you live in our Texas service area. So, thinking ahead is key to controlling the cost--just like in our roof example.
What happens when you don't get termite protection? There is a good chance you're going to wake up some morning and discover that you have termite damage. And how will you pay for that termite damage? You're going to take it from your savings or ask the bank to lend you the money. If you do the latter, and only pay the minimum payment, you could find yourself paying for termite damage for decades. It happens. But it should never have to happen to you.
If you have the money in your savings to pay for that termite damage, you're still getting the short end of the stick. Termite damage is often complicated to fix. These insects aren't courteous when they feed on your home. They don't consume one board at a time. They will eat their way from support beams to studs to trusses. They don't care if they're eating a load-bearing wall. They have no understanding of how their feeding will affect the structural frame of your home. They feed indiscriminately.
Here are a few more points you should know about termites:
- Termite workers can tunnel the length of a football field to feed on your home.
- When termite workers find food (wood) they don't concentrate on one location. Termite workers continue to tunnel and find other locations to feed.
- Termites are not deterred by your foundation. They will build mud tubes from the soil to the wood of your home.
- Termites are simple organisms that do not require sleep. They can feed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year long.
- Termites are silent. Unless you put your ear to a piece of wood with an active termite infestation inside, you're not likely to ever hear termites.
The best way to avoid termite damage is with Sentricon® System with Always Active™. Sentricon® with Always Active™ uses all of the above termite traits against those termites. It is slow acting, so termite workers are able to bring the "poison" back to their nest, even if that nest is far away. It is put into the ground near the foundation of a home where termite workers are sure to find it, 24 hours a day, all year long. And when those termites take the bait, your pest control technician will know it--and so will you.
In Texas, termites are a real threat. Don't take chances with termite damage. Take a proactive approach to this threat and get your property protected with Sentricon® with Always Active™.
If you live in Katy, Houston, or somewhere else in our Texas service area, reach out to Modern Pest Control to schedule service. We'll help you get your protection in place.