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A Complete Guide To Spring Pest Prevention In Katy
Two nice large homes with a wide green yard with shrubs and small trees stretched in front of them.

A Complete Guide To Spring Pest Prevention In Katy

Many animals call Katy home. Several creatures in this area prefer to live in the wild, away from humans. However, certain circumstances will sometimes bring these wild animals into your yard or home, which can be dangerous to you and your family.

If you think there may be pests roaming around your property, you may need the help of a Katy pest control specialist. At Modern Pest Control, we have been providing comprehensive and customized pest control solutions to Katy and the surrounding areas for decades. Keep reading if you want to learn easy and effective ways to keep your home and property pest-free. 

Like Many Things, Pests Become More Active In The Spring

Most of the pests in this area do not handle cold temperatures very well. During the winter, they will go into hiding in order to escape the dangerously frigid temperatures. When the temperatures start warming up, they will slowly emerge from their hiding place and start their hunt for food and water. 

Here is a look at the various types of pests that are found in Katy and how the seasonal changes affect their habits and behaviors:

  • Rodents: In the early part of spring, mice and rats will start to increase their breeding cycles. During March and April, the rain and warm temperatures allow the nearby vegetation to grow. During the late spring, most rodents in this area will take advantage of the newly available food sources eating the fruits and vegetables growing near your home. If this area receives too much rain, the rats and mice will look for a safe shelter inside your home, barn, shed, or other secure structure.
  • Crawling insects: Many insects commonly found in this area, like roaches, beetles, and earwigs, are exceptionally active during the spring. With the cold temperatures finally gone, these invasive bugs can start to find a reliable food source. These insects will usually lay their eggs in the spring. After the eggs hatch, the nymphs emerge and require constant nourishment. Many cockroaches and other bugs choose to lay their eggs inside homes to ensure that they will survive during rain, droughts, and other extreme weather events.
  • Flying insects: Springtime is a busy time for bees, wasps, and hornets. This is the time of year that bees will travel to every nearby plant and flower to collect as much pollen and nectar as they can. It is also a time that most bees, wasps, and hornets will reproduce and start new colonies. The early spring months are when house flies and other flying insects will also come out of hibernation and start to look for food.
  • Arachnids: Although spiders can be found in your Katy home throughout the year, they are the most active right after winter ends. This is the time that they will lay their eggs. Also, because other insects are active during this time, spiders will start to hunt for food during the spring and summer months.

Some of the pests in this area will take shelter below the ground during the winter to escape the frigid temperatures. If some insects and other pests cannot make it underground before the freezing temperatures hit, they will die. However, if the winter is mild and temperatures rarely reach below freezing, many pests will survive, which means that there will be an increased number of pests during the spring and summer.

The Many Problems Pest Infestations Can Create In Your Home

A wide range of pests are known to invade homes and properties in and around Katy, Texas. Some of the pests that might invade your home are known to be a nuisance and nothing else. However, there are many more pests that can actually be hazardous to your health and destroy your home. Here is a look at some of the common pests in this area and how they can cause problems for you and your family:

  • Rats and mice: Rats and mice are some of the most destructive types of pests that invade Katy homes. These sneaky rodents will chew holes through the walls, flooring, and ceilings. They are also known to chew on the electrical wiring and electrical cords found throughout your home. This cannot only ruin some of your appliances and other devices, but it can also be a potential fire hazard if they chew the electrical wires behind your walls. They will also destroy clothing and other personal items. Many times, mice and rodents will build their nests in the space between your walls. They will use any type of soft material that they can find to build their nest, including your home's insulation. These rodents can also carry and spread a wide range of diseases and viruses, including hantavirus, salmonellosis, and E. coli infections. They contaminate food and nesting areas and can introduce parasites into your home.
  • Ticks: There are a wide variety of ticks found in Katy. The black-legged tick, brown dog tick, American dog tick, and lone star tick are a few of the most common tick species found in this area. These small creatures are part of the arachnid family and feed on the blood of humans and animals. Ticks not only can leave an unsightly bug bite on your skin, but they can also spread deadly diseases to you and your pets which include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and Southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI).
  • Fleas: Fleas are another hazardous insect that can make both you and your pet sick. These tiny bugs are only about ⅛ of an inch long when they reach full maturity. They will usually jump on a human, bite them, and then jump off. But when they jump on your pet, they will live under the pet's fur for several days or even weeks. If a flea bites you, it will leave an extremely itchy bump on your skin that can cause irritation. Some fleas carry parasites and can infect you or your pet with tapeworm if the flea is accidentally swallowed.
  • Cockroaches: There are different types of cockroaches that live in and around Katy, Texas. The American cockroach is the biggest and most common type of cockroach that is found in this area. Cockroaches are filthy scavengers that will crawl around in your garbage cans, sewer system, and other unsanitary areas. During their travels, they will pick up a wide range of bacteria and pathogens and can spread them to you if they are able to get into your home and have access to your food or food preparation surfaces. Some serious illnesses you can get from having a cockroach infestation inside of your home include dysentery, cholera, gastroenteritis, and salmonellosis.
  • Wasps and hornets: Mud daubers, paper wasps, bald-faced hornets, and southern yellow jackets are the most common type of wasps and hornets found in Katy. Out of all of these species, the southern yellow jacket is probably the most aggressive. The southern yellow jacket is usually only about a half-inch long and has a yellow and black striped body with orange-colored wings that are slightly translucent. They are social wasps that usually live in large colonies and can become extremely aggressive if you get too close to their nests. Usually, if you are stung by a wasp or a hornet, you will experience mild to severe pain and possible swelling for a few hours. However, the venom that is injected into the body can cause a severe allergic reaction in some people.
  • Ants: Ants are some of the most bothersome types of pests that Katy residents have to deal with. Fire ants are just one of the harmful types of pests that can invade your yard. These ants typically have dark red bodies and an aggressive nature. They are known to swarm perceived threats to their nest with painful stings. Carpenter ants are also in the area. These bothersome bugs like to build their nest inside wooden beams, boards, and other wooden objects. Once their colony starts to mature, the wood that they are living in will become brittle, and it could threaten the structural integrity of your home.
  • Termites: Katy is home to many different species of termites – all of them highly destructive. These termites usually live in large colonies, with several million termites living in one nest. If you have one of these extremely large colonies on your property, your home could experience structural damage in a short amount of time. A large subterranean termite colony can consume around one ounce of wood per day. This means that if you do not take care of your termite problem soon, you could have to deal with expensive repairs in the near future.

The pests in this area are not all bad. Many of them play a vital role in creating a healthy ecosystem. However, all of these pests are only beneficial if they are able to stay outdoors. When they find a way inside your home, they should be eliminated as soon as possible. 

Six Natural And Effective Springtime Pest Prevention Tips

Once the temperatures start to warm up, many homeowners will go through their "spring cleaning phase." During this time, you cannot only organize and tidy up your home, but you can also take active measures to prevent any insects, rodents, spiders, and other pests from coming into your home. Some of the easiest and most effective pest control solution tips include:

  1. Remove moisture from your home. Many pests, like termites and spiders, prefer dark and moist areas. Check the area around your sinks, toilet, and bathtubs to ensure there are no leaky pipes or faucets. You should also ensure that your basement and crawl spaces are properly ventilated. And don't forget to check the exterior of your home too. Make sure that your gutter systems are working properly and that the downspout is able to guide the water away from your home.
  2. Keep all food put away. Keep all food stored in airtight containers with tight-fitting lids; this includes your pet's food. You should also store fruits and other produce in the refrigerator.
  3. Keep your yard well-maintained. Many pests like the safety that tall grass and overgrown bushes provide. Make sure to remove any fallen tree limbs or other debris from your yard. Also, keep your grass cut short and make sure your shrubs and bushes are cut back away from your home.
  4. Keep your home organized. Rodents, insects, and other pests like to hide out of sight as much as possible. Remove any old clothes, boxes, bags, and other clutter from your home to eliminate any potential hiding spots.
  5. Keep trash secure. Make sure that both indoor and outdoor trash cans have tight-fitting lids and empty them regularly, cleaning the cans as needed.
  6. Eliminate potential entry points. Most pests don't require a large opening to come inside your home. Small gaps and cracks can act as an entry point for a wide range of animals. Check the outside of your home and seal up any openings that you find. Pay close attention to areas around where utilities enter the building and install and maintain weatherstripping and door sweeps.

It is much easier to prevent a pest infestation than to treat one. By following these six easy steps, you can reduce your chances of having pests come inside your home. 

You Have Better Things To Do Than Worry About Pest Control

It can be a full-time job keeping up with all the things you need to do for pest control in Katy. At Modern Pest Control, we have been serving the greater Houston and surrounding areas for more than 60 years. We understand the habits and behaviors of the common pests that live and breed in this area, and we use that knowledge to come up with comprehensive pest removal plans to meet the specific needs of your property. If you want an easy way to achieve total pest control in your home, give us a call today.

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