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The Most Common Household Pests In Sugar Land And How To Eliminate Them
Modern home interior with hardwood floors.

The Most Common Household Pests In Sugar Land And How To Eliminate Them

Your house is your family's sanctuary and should keep you safe and comfortable. But when pests invade, your formerly relaxing home can become a significant source of stress and frustration. This guide will explain more about the most common pests that invade homes and how collaborating with a local company that provides pest control in Sugar Land, Texas, can help you safeguard your house and family against the pests that threaten them.

We'll start by reviewing the most common pests that infiltrate local homes. Some of these are likely already on your radar, but studying the list and learning a little about the top offenders, including the signs to watch for, is a good idea. From common ants to nuisance wildlife, Sugar Land has a wide range of pests to be aware of.

We will also review the risks of the various types of pests that enter homes. Some of these pests endanger your family's health, others threaten the structure of your home, and they are all an inconvenience that no one wants to deal with. Learning more about these threats can help you decide the best course of action if pests become a problem.

One of the most crucial components of a pest control plan is prevention. We'll provide some of the most effective tips the experts suggest to ensure your home stays pest-free. Proactive prevention measures can save you a lot of stress, keep your family safe, and help you avoid the expensive repairs that come with more destructive pests.

Finally, we'll review the numerous benefits of working with a local pest control company like Modern Pest Control. Many people assume the time to call professionals is when you start to see pests, but the best time to start is before there is a problem. Our pest management professionals can provide the best defense for your home and family against the many troublesome pests that call Sugar Land home.

Top Pest Threats For Area Homes

Problematic pests come in all shapes and sizes, but the one thing they all have in common is they are never welcome house guests. The following list includes some of the most common types of pests we find infesting local homes, with additional details below:

  • Ants
  • Cockroaches
  • Rodents
  • Spiders
  • Termites
  • Wildlife

Ants are a pest almost everyone has to deal with at one time or another. These insects are typically out in the open, but some species, like carpenter ants, can be more challenging to notice. Signs of carpenter ants include small holes in wood with sawdust-like shavings below or seeing ants with wings around the house.

Cockroaches are a sneaky pest that tries to avoid detection, and they are nocturnal, making it less likely you will spot one. Roaches leave several telltale signs around, though, including droppings that look like black specks of pepper or small cylindrical ones, depending on the species. These insects also molt and shed their skin, leave egg capsules around the house, and produce a musty odor.

Rodents are a common household pest, and a wide range of them invade Sugar Land homes, including house mice, roof rats, and Norway rats. Most of these animals are very comfortable living near humans and sharing our shelter and food. Common signs are droppings around the house, noises in the walls or attics, greasy rub marks, and gnaw marks.

Most of the spiders that enter homes are primarily a nuisance, leaving messy webs around and producing a lot of offspring. Two in particular, though, are important to avoid, the black widow and brown recluse. Signs of these venomous spiders include webs, typically in dark storage areas, or finding silken egg sacs.

Termites are next on our list and one of our area's top pest threats. Because these pests work inside the wood of your home, there usually aren't many obvious signs of an infestation until you can see the damage. You can, however, watch for early signs, such as flying termites on your property or discarded wings near windows and doors.

Plenty of wildlife can find their way into homes, usually while searching for food or shelter from the weather. Some of the most common wild animals that disturb properties are squirrels, bats, opossums, and raccoons. Signs include:

  • Smelling strange odors in the house.
  • Hearing odd sounds like scratching.
  • Noticing droppings or nesting materials.

This list isn't all-inclusive, but it covers some of the more concerning pests we deal with. Modern Pest Control offers a variety of preventive service plans to help protect your home and family from invasive pests. If you suspect you have a pest infestation, the simplest and most effective way to deal with it is to contact us for assistance.

The Hidden Risks Of Pest Infestations

Nearly every pest that invades homes carries a certain degree of risk, whether that be to your family's health or the structure of your home. Learning these pests' hidden dangers can help determine the best way to handle an infestation. In this section, we'll review the risks that come with each of the top offenders on our list.

Despite their small size, certain species of ants, like carpenter or fire ants, can pose significant risks to your home and family. Carpenter ants nest inside the wood of your house, and over time, they can weaken the structural integrity. Fire ants can sting, and when they do so in large numbers or attack someone allergic to them, they can be very dangerous. 

Cockroaches are dirty creatures that spend their time outdoors among garbage, sewers, and animal waste. When roaches infest the house, they carry bacteria from the outside and can contaminate your food and surfaces. Cockroach droppings, urine, and saliva can also cause year-round allergies in people, and asthma attacks, especially in children.

The thought of having mice or rats in the house is disturbing enough, but these animals can spread numerous diseases, contaminate food and surfaces, and cause allergy symptoms. Some species, like Norway rats, can gnaw through lead and plastic pipes, and some rodents will also chew through wiring, creating a fire hazard.

Venomous spiders like brown recluses and black widows endanger your family. Bites from these spiders can cause dangerous symptoms, and you should seek prompt medical attention. Never approach or attempt to remove these spiders on your own because they are more likely to bite if they sense a threat.

If there is one single word homeowners dread hearing, it is termites. These wood-destroying insects can cause significant structural damage over time, and they leave very little evidence around to make you aware of their presence. Termites are one of the worst offenders on our list, and repairing their damage can be very expensive.

Many wild animals have grown comfortable living around people, and most know that where there are people, there is also food and shelter. Wild animals inside the house can cause extensive property damage, and many carry diseases that endanger your family. It is never safe to approach or attempt to remove wild animals from your house because they will bite and scratch in defense.

Whether you are currently experiencing a pest infestation or looking to prevent one, the pros at Modern Pest Control are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule your free inspection. 

Proactive Prevention Is Essential For Keeping Pests Away

As the adage goes, the best defense is a good offense. Preventative pest control is the best way to protect your home and family and avoid the problems that occur when pests invade. Here are some expert tips for keeping pests away from your home with further information below: 

  • Seal cracks and crevices.
  • Repair moisture issues.
  • Practice proper food and trash storage.
  • Keep your home clean and tidy.
  • Maintain your yard.

The exterior of your home may look perfect from a distance, but close examination often shows tiny cracks and crevices that pests will take advantage of. Seal any cracks you find with silicone-based caulk and look for openings around utility pipes. Check that doors and windows seal well and have intact screens and no gaps around them.

Pests searching for a water source often invade homes with moisture problems. Repair any leaks around the house and ensure adequate ventilation in places with high humidity, such as attics and crawl spaces. Outside, eliminate any areas with standing water, ensure your gutters are clear and flowing, and that water doesn't pool near the foundation.

Pests are often looking for food when they enter a house, and eliminating their access to it can help to keep them out. Storing your food in plastic or glass pest-proof containers with tight seals will significantly help. Avoid leaving any food sitting out, including pet food, and promptly clean up any spills or crumbs.

Improperly storing your trash can also attracts pests. Regularly take out your garbage and seal it tightly in trash bags. Placing the trash in clean receptacles with secure lids can also help keep pests away.

Keeping your home neat and clean can help deter many types of pests. Avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink and frequently vacuum, especially in areas where people eat. Reducing clutter around the house also helps to eliminate hiding places for pests like spiders and the insects they prey on. 

Outdoors, you'll want to keep the yard tidy, eliminate debris piles, and regularly mow the lawn. Eliminate excessive vegetation that can harbor pests, and store firewood at least 20 feet from your home. Trimming any bushes or tree branches close to the house is also a good idea because pests will use them to find entryways.

Combining your proactive efforts with experienced pros like Modern Pest Control gives you a recipe for success. We offer preventative pest control service plans to protect your home year-round from some of the worst offenders on our list. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule an inspection. 

Contact Us For Long-Lasting Pest Control Strategies

For over 70 years, Modern Pest Control has been working to keep our neighbor's homes and families safe from troublesome pests, and we strive to achieve long-lasting relationships with our customers. We use Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies that include pest prevention techniques and work to minimize our environmental impact.

When you work with Modern Pest Control, you can expect the best. Our pest management professionals start by thoroughly inspecting your property, looking for any signs of pests. During the inspection, they will also look for any conditions that may attract pests or cracks in the foundation or house that can provide an entryway. 

We'll then discuss our findings and help you determine the best plan for your specific property. We offer quarterly pest control plans with a service guarantee to protect your home against many common invaders. These plans all provide year-round protection against common pests like ants or roaches and outdoor pests like fire ants, fleas, and ticks. 

Our Signature Service and Signature Plus service plans can protect your home from wood-destroying termites. We install the Sentricon® system, which forms a barrier around your home and prevents termites from ever getting near the house. Considering the damage these pests can do, having a preventative system can take a lot of worry off your shoulders.

Our Signature Plus plan also includes seasonal mosquito control. These treatments can significantly reduce the number of mosquitos around your property, and we can target them at every stage in the life cycle, from egg to adult. Our no-odor treatments also help to control spiders and other crawling insects, making your outdoor space safer and more comfortable.

Our expert pest management professionals understand the pests that infest local homes and know how to eliminate any pest problem you might have and prevent reinfestations. Contact us today to learn more about our local home pest control services, or schedule your free inspection and protect your home and family from problematic pests.

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