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How Dangerous Is It To Have Fleas In My Katy Home?
Close up picture of a Flea on a skin

How Dangerous Is It To Have Fleas In My Katy Home?  

Whether it is playing a game of basketball with friends or having a romantic picnic with a date, being in nature is what makes many Katy residents feel at rest. The downside to this is the pests that await. The fowls of the air, the animals of the ground, and the bugs all around can put a damper on any activity. They sting, bite, or scratch, which can lead to dangerous outcomes. 
Fleas in Katy are biters that can spread diseases to humans and animals. The likelihood of transmission is high because the insects go from host to host, and withdraw blood. To make matters worse, they can multiply in volume in the blink of an eye. Learn about the risks with fleas, and what you can do to prevent them with Modern Pest Control.

How Do Fleas Operate? What Are the Risks?

One of the reasons fleas are hard to manage is their tiny size. Their glossy reddish-brown bodies are just 0.09 of an inch long. They are compressed and wingless, but that doesn’t stop them from getting around. With their legs, they can jump distances far and wide. Hopping onto the clothes of humans or the coats of domestic animals isn’t a challenge for them. These bugs will take to pet spots, fabrics, and carpeting once they’re successfully inside your home. Your furry friends are their usual focus, but if they're not available, you or the external pests on the property will do. Rodents and squirrels are prime examples. Be on the lookout for these infestation signs:

  • Pets that are scratching themselves on a frequent basis
  • Persistently seeing red and itchy bites on your skin 
  • Finding fecal debris that’s similar to pepper on rugs and animal beds 
  • Seeing eggs near carpeting, furniture, floor cracks, and pet areas

Fleas may be commonplace, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t a threat. These bugs are known to distribute typhus, parasitic bacterial diseases, and tapeworms. The bites they leave often result in allergic reactions and skin inflammation. Even scratching your bumps can cause problems. You could possibly cut your skin, which opens it up to germ exposure. In the end, a secondary bacterial infection might arise. Anemia may occur as well, given that blood will be drained repeatedly under an intense infestation.

Wooded locales with tall grass and dense vegetation are usually where people pick up fleas. These insects flourish near organic matter, moisture, and sand. They tend to nestle in the shadiest zones they can find. Ditches and ponds are hubs for them too and you’ll want to keep your eyes peeled in these settings. Fleas assemble beneath debris, shrubs, and rocks on your lawn and porches are also a typical gathering space. They can procreate just as fast indoors as they do out.

What Can Be Done to Prevent Fleas?

No home is immune from getting fleas; even if there are no pets. Here are some prevention tips:

  • Trim your grass and trim greenery on a routine basis
  • Instead of laying soil, use gravel for your property’s perimeter
  • Be in touch with your pet’s veterinarian about flea treatments
  • Groom your animal and inspect their hair regularly
  • Frequently vacuum and clean rugs and carpets  
  • Check second-hand furniture and carpets before purchasing them
  • Call Modern Pest Control if you have critters fleas might use as a host

What Will Modern Pest Control Do About Fleas?

Modern Pest Control is a QualityPro service provider with staff licensing from the Texas Department of Agriculture. This means our technicians are highly trained and vetted. They will skillfully execute custom treatments that speedily eradicate fleas. Our plans are cost-effective and comprehensive. Call Modern Pest Control today for a free inspection!

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