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The Problem With Squirrels Hanging Around Your Houston Property

The Problem With Squirrels Hanging Around Your Houston Property 

Most insects and creatures are loathed or feared. This makes perfect sense, as pests are usually very intimidating physically. They might be large, and have sharp fangs or claws. Sometimes, they just look creepy. Many have behaviors or features that worry people, such as sudden movement or the carrying of venom. It’s logical to want to be away from pests, as several can bite, sting, or scratch you. At the very least, they may have germs that will make you sick. Even with all this, a few critters are viewed as harmless and squirrels in Houston would be one.
Squirrels aren’t that scary in appearance and they are very commonplace. Folks often think they’re cute or amusing to watch. Pedestrians occasionally feed them. Don’t be misled though! Like a lot of their fellow pests, squirrels can bring calamity of their own in Houston. Learn what the risks are, and how you can prevent these animals with help from Modern Pest Control.

What Are the Dangers of Squirrels?

There are multiple subspecies of squirrels. Many are 15 to 20 inches long, with tails up to about 9 inches and their size and color varies. In relation to weight, they can be a little less than 2 pounds. While some are brown or gray, others are yellow, white, or red. Common features are pointed heads, small ears, beady eyes, and four legs. They also often have thick fur, bushy tails, and light-shaded underbellies.
Being outdoor creatures almost exclusively, squirrels mainly live in forests, wooded areas, and spaces with trees. They also like to be near bodies of water, such as rivers and swamps. If your home or business is in proximity to one of these described locations, you can expect to have issues with these animals. Nature provides them with food and nesting resources. They’ll feast on:

  • Seeds 
  • Acorns
  • Nuts
  • Berries
  • Fruit
  • Corn
  • Fungi
  • Bird eggs
  • Insects, tiny animals, and reptiles

Squirrels are normally active during the day, burying their meals and building a home in trees. They’ll use bark, leaves, and other organic debris to shape a nest. Problems will arise if they get too comfortable on your property and need to overwinter. These pests will find a way to enter and settle in attics, garages, sheds, and chimneys. Since they are essentially rodents, they’ll gnaw on all kinds of things to whittle down their growing teeth. Wires, insulation, foundations, siding, and utilities may all be damaged by them. Squirrels might also ruin trash cans and bird feeders seeking food. Health-wise, they are a threat because they harbor illness-causing bacteria, diseases, fleas, and ticks. They might bite if provoked; seek immediate medical attention if you’re attacked.

How Can Squirrels Be Prevented?

Take these actions to reduce squirrel populations on your land:

  • Seal cracks and crevices in windows, doors, and foundations 
  • Make sure the screens and caps on chimneys and exterior vents are intact 
  • Have tattered shingles and loose siding repaired 
  • Have overhanging tree branches cut away from rooflines 
  • Install wire or mesh fences, especially around gardens 
  • Regularly groom the yard 
  • Distance wood, greenery, and compost bins from the property 
  • Remove bird baths and feeders
  • Place food and garbage in secure containers with tight lids

What Will Modern Pest Control Do About Squirrels?

At Modern Pest Control, we have a licensed team dedicated to managing wildlife, like squirrels. They will thoroughly examine your property to identify trouble spots, entry points, and nests. Then, they will execute a safe and humane treatment plan. Custom solutions may involve trapping and exclusion methods. Our intricate approaches are safe and humane also, and our services have a warranty attached. Call Modern Pest Control today for a free inspection!

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